Overtime Pay in Saudi Labor Law

Overtime Pay in Saudi Labor Law

Regular Overtime Pay:

Employers must pay employees or workers for overtime hours, which equals their hourly rate plus an extra 50% of their basic pay.
If a company operates on a weekly working hours basis and employees work beyond 48 hours per week, those additional hours are considered overtime.
Overtime includes working hours on official holidays and during Eid.
Overtime Exceptions:

High-ranking management personnel or those with authority over workers are not entitled to overtime pay.
Exceptions also apply to guards, janitors (except civil security guards), and those performing preparatory or intermittent work necessary for regular tasks.
Overtime Calculation:

Overtime rate per hour is calculated as 1.5 times the hourly wage.
The hourly wage is obtained by dividing the daily wage by 8.
The daily wage is determined by dividing the monthly basic salary by 30.
The annual basic salary is calculated as the monthly basic salary multiplied by 12.