Know Your Rights!

Know Your Rights!
Working conditions in Saudi Arabia are improving greatly and stressing the importance of fairness toward expat workers.

What is the statutory period during which the worker has the right to legally claim his contractual rights from the employer?

No lawsuit shall be accepted before the labor courts that is related to the claim of one of the rights stipulated in this Law or arising from the work contract after the lapse of 12 months from the date of the termination of the work relationship, unless the plaintiff presents an excuse, the court accepts or the defendant issues an acknowledgment of the right.

Is it permissible for the employer to keep the passport of the employee?

No employer may keep the passport of a non-Saudi employee unless the employee asks the employer to keep his passport and the employee must sign a written declaration in Arabic and in the employee’s language in the relevant form contained in the statutory regulations.

Should an employment contract be concluded?

According to Article 51 of the Labor Law, an employment contract must be made in two counterparts, one for each party, and the contract is considered even if it is not in writing. In this case, the employee alone may prove the contract and his rights arising from it using all methods of proof, and each party may request the other party to write the contract at any time.

Can an employer reduce an employee's salary at any time?

An employee's salary may not be reduced without his written consent.

Is the worker entitled to an annual travel ticket?

Annual travel tickets are subject to the agreement between the employer and the employee in accordance with the regulations approved by the employer. If the employment contract links the employee’s right in the value of the travel ticket to taking the leave, the employee must travel in order to be entitled to compensation for the travel ticket unless his work contract stipulates otherwise.

Who bears the Fees for transferring residence, work permit and service (sponsorship)?

The employer shall bear the employment of the expatriate employee, the residence and work permits, the fees for their renewal, and any delay penalties associated with them. Moreover, the employer shall bear the transfer of the service from the employee to him. This provision shall replace any contrary provision in any agreement or contract.

To what extent is the worker entitled to a ticket for the vacation, or to receive a cash compensation in case he does not travel?

The worker’s entitlement to annual travel tickets or receiving a cash amount in case of non-travelling is subject to the agreement concluded between the employer and the worker, and the regulations approved by the employer.

What is the duration of the worker's marriage leave and death leave that the worker is entitled to upon the death of one of his relatives?