How to Cancel a Final Exit Visa in Saudi Arabia

How to Cancel a Final Exit Visa in Saudi Arabia

If both the employer and the expatriate employee wish to cancel a final exit visa in Saudi Arabia for any reason, they should follow they can do it through Muqeem Platform. The process is as follows:

  1. Visit Muqeem Website (
  2. Log in to the system.
  3. Click on (Electronic transactions).
  4. Click on (Cancellation of the final exit visa).
  5. Enter the security code sent to your mobile phone.
  6. Enter the Iqama number of the person whose final exit visa is to be canceled.
  7. Click on (Agree to the terms and conditions).
  8. You will see the basic resident information and the visa information that you want to cancel.
  9. Choose (Cancel Visa).
  10. Press (OK).

There are few requirements to successfully cancel the final exit, which are:

  • The sponsoring employer and the worker or one of his family members for whom the visa is to be canceled must not be registered in one of the following cases: Deceased, escaped, has a recruitment offense.
  • There should not be a violation of not canceling a previously issued and unused visa.
  • The cancellation process should take place within 60 days from the date of issuance, and if the visa is not canceled within the specified period, fines will be applied according to the regulations.
  • The presence of the individual for whom the visa is to be canceled within the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia upon the cancellation of the visa.